"Prayer for the sick to say"
"Lord, you are all justice, I must deserve the illness that you have sent me, because you never make me suffer without a cause. For my healing, I surrender myself to your infinite mercy; if it pleases you to restore my health, may your holy name be blessed; if On the contrary, I must still suffer, may I also be blessed; I submit without murmuring to your divine decrees, because everything you do can have no other objective than the good of us, your children.
May this illness, my God, be a healthy warning for me and lead me to meditate on myself; I accept it as an atonement for the past and as a proof of my faith and submission to your holy will. Amen"
“Prayer to say for the sick”
“My God, your designs are impenetrable, and in your wisdom you believed it was your duty to afflict …………..……(name of the patient)….……………….. with the disease. We beg you to cast a compassionate glance on their sufferings and deign to put an end to them.
Good Spirits, ministers of the Almighty, we beg you to approve our desires to relieve him, direct our thoughts, so that they may pour a healthy balm on his body and on the consolation of his soul.
Inspire in him patience and submission to the will of God, give him strength to bear his pain with Christian resignation so that the fruit of this trial is not lost. Amen"