The Dr Fritz Spiritual Healing Group is made up of people from Chile and Brazil. This last country is where the intermediary medium resides before the doctors of the spiritual plane.
The origins of this Group date back to 1983, in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, where a group of Kardecist Spiritists from that country began the work of spiritual medical treatment through mediumship, based on the Kardecist Spiritist Doctrine.
In 1984 they moved to the city of Santa Luzia, to the “Irmã Fabiola” Spiritual Center, performing these treatments there through the doctor of the spiritual plane Dr. Fritz and his team. Together, they performed these treatments at the “Irmã Sheila Spiritual Center” in Belo Horizonte. All this lasted until 1997.
From 1998 to 2002, the group concentrated on deepening the studies of the doctrine and giving talks in countless spiritist centers in Belo Horizonte, State of Mina Gerais.

In 2002 they moved to the city of São Gonçalo do Rio Preto, Mina Gerais, where they founded the Spiritual Center “Office of Love”, and where they worked until returning to Belo Horizonte in 2007.
In 2007 they returned to Belo Horizonte where they have remained to this day. In this period they continued to deepen their studies of the Kardecist doctrine and spiritual medical treatments. They also founded two other spiritist centers in the city of Contagem, “Gotas de Luz” and “Amigos Fraternos”.

In mid-2011, this group from Brazil contacted Kardecist spiritists from Chile to provide remote spiritual medical treatment to sick people in that country, both physically and spiritually.
In April 2012, one of these people traveled from Chile to Brazil to strengthen ties and better coordinate these spiritual medical care in Chile.
In June 2013, the name “Dr. Fritz Spiritual Healing Group” was officially given to this group, in honor of this German doctor who during the First World War served in the army caring for war wounded. Upon disincarnation, he has continued from the spiritual side doing his medical work, channeled by renowned mediums from Brazil and Europe.